Through the course of the assignment, I've learned that the biggest thing for me wasn't learning how to specifically train for an half marathon but learning how to get myself motivated. I'm really struggling with that right now, so that's what my logos will reflect: my war between being lazy and getting out an exercising.

This first logo is pretty basic: I'm saying no to my couch. When I get home from work, I sit down on it and usually can't back off it. I just fall into the soft cushions and I'm a goner.

Here's my second attempt at a logo which basically shows what I need: Running that's what the sneaker prints are meant to signify.

The next logo combines the shoe prints and the couch. Kind of like I'm saying no to my couch by running over it.

This final logo combines all three previous logos and I think it communicates my struggle clearly. It's a stamp of the shoe over the couch. I could be wrong but I think it's better than just the sneaker prints running over the couch.